
Thursday, 28 May 2009

"V" - 21st Century Twist?

Edit: Embedded Video now added! Thanks Youtube & Headphonaught!

This is a trailer for (in case you hadn't worked it out):

New Interpretation of fab 1980's series "V".. Hope they don't mess it up!!- From the trailer it looks tentively promising..

1st episodes of original series were hard hitting (for primetime TV).. mirroring how easily something like Germany of the 1930's could still (and since has- sadly more than once) happen including genocide & in particular Holocoust.. Hopefully it will do same.. With 21st Century Twist

Coming to U.S. 2009-10 schedule - hopefully U.K. will see it too (quickly PLEASE!)

Posted via web from aldakila's posterous

Friday, 22 May 2009

Google Reader - Aldakila's shared items

This is my last few selections of (mostly) blogs, as well as other internet 'stuff' i've found thought provoking/interesting or funny/entertaining... all posted on "Aldakila's Shared Items" @ Google Reader:

Enjoy x


"very topical & pertinent question for me at the moment.."


via on 5/15/09

A KILLER who hacked a man to death appeared as a guest on Songs Of Praise.

Garry Brotherston told viewers he "found God" after being jailed for murdering Billy Barclay.

But Billy's disgusted family claim Brotherston is pure evil.

And they are sickened that BBC bosses allowed him on the show.

Billy's mum Jean, 75, said: "I wish he would die, that is the truth. Despite what he says, he has never said sorry for what he did."

via on 5/15/09

While some have tried to talk up a Church of Scotland ‘split’ over sexuality, the great majority of the Presbyterian denomination’s members are horrified by a hard-line minister’s attempt to equate the campaign for inclusion with Nazism, say those involved in preparing for the Church’s forthcoming General Assembly.

In a sermon which religious leaders and politicians have condemned as “deeply disturbing”, the Rev Ian Watson invoked the failure to stand up to the Nazi annexation of the Rhineland in 1938 as a parallel for the refusal of many in the Church of Scotland to join an anti-gay crusade.

via nakedpastor on 5/11/09

"Well Said & needs to be heard"

Posted via web from aldakila's posterous

Sunday, 17 May 2009



The only way to come to God is by taking off any spiritual mask. The real you has to meet the real God. He is a person.

Your heart could be, and often is, askew. That’s okay. You have to begin with what is real. Jesus didn’t come for the righteous. He came for sinners. All of us qualify. The very things we try to get rid of—our weariness, our distractedness, our messiness—are what get us in the front door! That’s how the gospel works. That’s how prayer works.

In bringing your real self to Jesus, you give him the opportunity to work on the real you, and you will slowly change. The kingdom comes when Jesus becomes king of your life. But is has to be your life. You can’t create a kingdom that doesn’t exist, where you try to be better than you really are. Jesus calls that hypocrisy—putting on a mask to cover the real you.

So instead of being paralyzed by who you are, begin with who you are. That’s how the gospel works. God begins with you.

—Paul Miller, A Praying Life

HT: Of First Importance

Thoughtful Words...


Posted via web from aldakila's posterous

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Hey You....

Just Love this Film!!!

Can't see Film Blink? Go Here!

Thought i'd share it to cheer you up, on this wet & windy day in May

Posted via web from aldakila's posterous

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