- GEEK! (Xbox, WoW, PC Fiddling, Sci~Fi, & alike!)
- Life Philosopher, Amateur Psychologist & Incessant Chatter Creator
- Probably not easy to live with 'at times'(Apparently "God Loves a Trier" & I am Trying)
- 30 'something'
- 3 we'ans {2 "20-Somethings &1 Teenager!} {Yeah I know!}
- 1 Future {sometime soon I hope} '"perfect"' Wife.
FYI..(Whatever is left of my heart is in Glasgow {where I was born} & will live again one day)
"Don't take life too seriously - But be serious about your life" - Self
"If your real life friends reacted to real life changes & rumours - the way your online friends react to website changes & rumours... would you actually admit to knowing them?" -Unknown