
Monday, 30 June 2008

Doctor Who - "Journey's End" Trailer

Doctor Who!!- Nuff Said!!!

Trailer for Ep13 (Last Episode) of this years Doctor Who! {Where's The Doctor - Very Sneaky!?}

Thursday, 26 June 2008 - giving it a go

I've started using its really useful click on title above & use beta code "pingofpings" to join

Thursday, 19 June 2008

In my post back on 2nd June I said I would comment on the photos I posted.

Well I've decided I'm not going to say anything really about the 'Blood & Fire' Flag photo - other than, it's a close up of a portion of our Erskine Salvation Army Corps Flag. To comment as I intended doesn't seem so appropriate as it did.
But feel free to comment instead.

The Second photo of an 'Empty Hall' is of Erskine Corps with the partition wall open, showing both the "Worship Hall" (to the front) & the "Small Hall" (to the rear).
Although I know the reality of this photo (as I took it) it struck me afterwards (& even now a year later) that it says so many things on numerous levels!

Does This Photo say? -
  • wishful thinking?
  • the raw reality of a Christian church in the 21st Century?
  • a challenge for those Christians that do go here?
  • if you build it they will come? (probably not!?)
  • God saying I'm Here - Where are You?
I could go on (& almost did!) But I wont; I'm sure you could come up with more of your own - please do.

I don't have the answers, only the questions - perhaps that's how it should be?
I would suggest that the answers lies within all of us - But only if we're hearing them (seeking them) from God?

Monday, 16 June 2008

The Bible Society News - Chinese Olympics

The Passion

This is great news I just got e-mailed thought I'd pass it on

Bibles and Scripture booklets will be available to athletes in the Olympic
village in Beijing this summer, despite rumours that Bibles would be banned at
the games.
  • 50,000 booklets with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in Chinese
    and English
  • 10,000 Chinese-English Bibles

Click on picture above for more info or here will link too.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Just a quick "Snap Shot"

Introducing Snap Shots from

I just installed a nice little tool on this Blog called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination site, interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles, MySpace profiles, IMDb profiles and Amazon products, display inline videos, RSS, MP3s, photos, stock charts and more.

Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you "look ahead," before deciding if you want to follow a link or not.
Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the Snap Shot and opt-out.

Enhanced with Snapshots
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, 2 June 2008

18 Months Late - Oh Dear!

Not going to say much @ This Moment... (Its my Birthday - so this will be short - for now)

Full of good intentions 18months ago - then kinda got distracted so, as I enter my 37th Year of life - I will attempt to Post more often....

Promise to explain Photos in later Blog... Thought it might be good to put them out there 1st & comment second

That's all @ the moment - Back Soon {I Hope!!}
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This blog & it's works by Alex "Aldakila" Thomson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 UK: Scotland License.
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